Mitchell, Freddie
The Derby*
LP (whiskey woman and...)
Powerful sax player from Florida who moved to New York when he was very young. His recordings from this period (1949-1955) pre-date Rock and Roll, which, surprisingly enough, made artists like him dated in a matter of few years, but he stuck faithfully to his original blend of Boogie, R&B and Jump Blues. Eighteen tracks and really interesting liner notes.
Potente saxofonista originario de Florida y radicado desde muy joven en Nueva York. Sus grabaciones de este período (1949-1955) anticipan el Rock and Roll, cuya llegada, paradójicamente, quitó de en medio a muchos artistas como él, que siguieron fieles a su particular mezcla de Boogie, R&B y Jump Blues. Dieciocho temas y notas de contraportada que merecen atención.