Limboos, The
LP (penniman)
Something unusual and unpredictable always seems to happen right under our very noses. And on such a rare occasion you could brag about colliding with a group as magnificent as The Limboos. They are unusual because you usually cannot hear a current R & B band with so much musical talent and, in turn, sound different from all the rest. And unpredictable because their knowledge and devotion to the greats of the genre is reflected in all of their songs, ALL originals written by them. And inside them is a special secret gift that combines rhythm and elegance to the nth degree. The Limboos emerged out of nowhere four years ago. Within a few weeks, they recorded a single, took the road and have not stopped gyrating and motorvating. The band has been tightening up their "Exotic Rhythm & Blues" around the continent with a show that is not easily forgotten. Their first LP "Space Mambo" (Penniman Records, 2014) caught everyone by surprise - the media included - and their songs and live shows engulfed all audiences, adding fans beyond the rock and roll circuit. In this second LP, "Limbootica!", the band continues its journey to the heart of the rhythm, a journey to the center of the best roots music, investigating and growing at every turn of the road. To this masterful Rhythm and Blues formula with Latin influences, here they add a few shots of gospel and swing ("No Troubles", "I Don't Buy It" or the hypnotic "Been Whole a Lot Time") , a clever mix of tropical and soul ("Lies"), and their underivative tribute to the Brazilian Bossa, the exquisite "Blue Dream." They can be channeling Cuba in "Crazy Rumba" and also have you stumbling down the crawfish stinking streets of New Orleans, exhaling rum while hugging a streetlight and trying to find your wallet on "Calypso Drunk ". "Limbootica!" It's going to make you talk. Then it's gonna make you shut up and listen to the magnificent songs and the incontestable musical style of these twenty-somethings, then add the scathing production of Mike Mariconda for the final knock-out punch. A more realized document and executed with even more conviction than in the previous disc, incorporating new instruments and extending the horizon of each subject with arrangements you just don't see nowadays. The Limboos are different. Talent, tireless dedication and some real old school class are their weapons. And with "Limbootica!" there are many, many more who will join the army of followers who can no longer live without them. Get it before it gets you.
I Don’t Buy It / Blue Dream / Crazy Rumba / Been A Whole Lot Of Time / Calypso Drunk / Rough Trip / Danzón #13 / (Uh Huh) No Business Next To Mine / No Trouble / I’m A Fool / Lies (Two Wrongs Do Not Make a Right).
Lo extraordinario a veces acontece ante nuestras propias narices. Y en pocas ocasiones puede uno vanagloriarse de cruzarse con un grupo tan magnífico como Los Limboos. Son extraordinarios porque no es nada común encontrarse con una banda actual de R&B con tanto talento musical y que, a su vez, suene diferente a todas los demás. Y son magníficos porque su conocimiento y devoción por los maestros del género se plasma en cada una de sus canciones, TODAS escritas por ellos mismos. En ellas queda impreso un raro don: aunar ritmo y elegancia a raudales.
Los Limboos surgieron de la nada hará cuestión de cuatro años. A las pocas semanas, grabaron un single, tomaron la carretera y no han parado de dar vueltas hasta hoy. La banda ha estado paseando su "Rhythm & Blues Exótico" por media Europa con un show de los que no se olvidan fácilmente. Su primer LP "Space Mambo" (Penniman Records, 2014) pilló por sorpresa a todo el mundo -medios incluidos-, y sus canciones y directos engancharon a todo tipo de público, sumando adeptos más allá del circuito del rock and roll.
En este segundo LP, "Limbootica!", la banda prosigue su viaje al corazón del ritmo, un periplo al centro de la mejor música de raíz, investigando y creciendo en cada recodo del camino. A su magistral fórmula de Rhythm and Blues con influencias latinas, aquí añaden unas gotas de gospel y swing ("No Troubles", "I Don't Buy It" o la hipnótica "Been Whole a lot Time"), soul primerizo ("Lies"), mezclándolo sabiamente con temazos de alma tropical, donde destacan sus sucesivos homenajes a la Bossa brasileira -la exquisita "Blue Dream"-, a Cuba -espectacular "Crazy Rumba"-, al Blue Beat de raíz Jamaicana -"I'm a Fool"- o a las benditas calles de New Orleans ("Calypso Drunk").
"Limbootica!" va a dar que hablar. A las magníficas canciones y a la incontestable calidad musical de estos veinteañeros, se añade la brillante producción de Mike Mariconda. Entre todos consiguen un sonido si cabe más redondo que en el disco anterior, incorporando nuevos instrumentos y ampliando el horizonte de cada tema con unos arreglos de los que no se encuentran con facilidad.
The Limboos son diferentes. Talento, incansable dedicación y clase son sus armas. Y con "Limbootica!" son muchos, muchísimos más los que se van a unir al ejército de seguidores que ya no puede vivir sin ellos. Prueba y verás.
I Don’t Buy It / Blue Dream / Crazy Rumba / Been A Whole Lot Of Time / Calypso Drunk / Rough Trip / Danzón #13 / (Uh Huh) No Business Next To Mine / No Trouble / I’m A Fool / Lies (Two Wrongs Do Not Make a Right)