Excitements, The
Breaking The Rule
LP (penniman)
After more than two years on the road and 200 sweat soaked performances since the release of their second LP "Sometimes Too Much Is Not Enough", this third LP certifies that the big combo from Barcelona can do whatever they please- either caress you or kick you in the stomach...and sometimes both. This new Excitements bag, as expected, is THE satisfier with high voltage rhythm and soul floorshakers and lease breakers, such as "Everything is better Since You're Gone", "Fire" and "Hold On Together". Plus greased up axe hurling R & B, witness "Chicken Picking", "I'd Rather Feel The Pain" and Did I Let You Down". Heartbreaking ballads and mid-tempos like "Breaking The Rule" and "Take It Back". And a pair of rhythmical postcards- the tribute to what once were the noisy streets of New Orleans on "Mojo Train" and sleepless nights in a Spanish Harlem boarding house on "Four Loves". Produced by Mike Mariconda.
Después de más de dos años en la carretera y 200 bolos desde la edición de su segundo LP "Sometimes Too Much Ain't Enough", su tercer trabajo certifica que los de Barcelona pueden hacer con nosotros lo que se les antoje: sea caricia o patada en el estómago. Este nuevo chute de Excitements, tan esperado, nos sacia la sed con rhythm and soul de alto voltaje: "Everything is Better Since You're Gone","Fire", "Hold On Together"-, toneladas de R&B: "Chicken Picking", "I'd Rather Feel The Pain", "Did I Let You Down", desgarradoras baladas y medios tiempos: "Breaking The Rules", "Take It Back- y unas gotas de mestizaje bien entendido, en homenaje a las que una vez fueron las ruidosas calles de New Orleans ("Mojo Train") o las noches sin fin de Costa Rica ("Four Loves"). Producido por Mike Mariconda.