West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band
Volume 1
LP (reprise)
Their second album (and first on Reprise), originally issued in 1967. It was a revolutionary album at its time, where they find inspiration in such disparate sounds as Psychedelia, Folk Rock, Garage, R&B and Avant-garde. The songs with jangling guitars and vocal harmonies are specially brilliant, in the Byrds-Leaves-Love vein.
Su segundo LP (y primero en Reprise), aparecido en 1967. Un disco revolucionario en su momento, en el que se dan cita elementos como Psicodelia, Folk Rock, Garage, R&B o Vanguardia. Especialmente brillantes son los temas en los que dominan las guitarras cristalinas y las armonías vocales, en la mejor escuela Byrds-Leaves-Love.