Various Artists
LP (norton)
Reissue of this comp originally released in 1965 by "Twist-A-Rama", a TV talent show that ruled the Mohawk Valley in Upstate NY . Fifteen crude garage and instrumental punk gems featuring Andy and the Classics, Reveres, Galaxies, Patty and the Hangmen, Mersey, Willie and the New Yorkers, Eric and the Chessmen, Eldorados, Jaguars, Kingbeats, Turfmen, etc.
Reedición del LP publicado en 1965 por los responsables del programa de TV "Twist-A-Rama", concurso de bandas noveles de New York. Quince temas de Garage crudo e instrumentales Punk a cargo de Andy and the Classics, Reveres, Galaxies, Patty and the Hangmen, Mersey, Willie and the New Yorkers, Eric and the Chessmen, Eldorados, Jaguars, Kingbeats, Turfmen, etc.