The Freakbeat Scene
Various Artists
CD (decca)
The word "Freakbeat" became popular by the late 80's among collectors and afficionados and has been used since then to define the music from that period when the british bands had left behind the straightforward Beat and R&B sound but weren't openly psychedelic yet. Mod who were growing their hair, that is. Here are twenty five examples of such definition from Decca and Deram's vaults as The Score, Attack, Majority, Shel Naylor, New Breed, Syn, Fire, Small Faces, Birds, Marc Bolan, Flies, Poets, (New Zealand's) Blue Stars, Timebox, Fairytale, Beatstalkers, etc... With the usual inner booklet packed with details on every band and lots of pictures.
El término "Freakbeat" se popularizó a finales de los 80 entre coleccionistas y aficionados, y desde entonces se usa para definir la música de esa época en que los grupos británicos dejaron de sonar a Beat o R&B sin ser aún abiertamente psicodélicos. Mods que se dejaban crecer el pelo, vaya. Aquí encontramos veinticinco ejemplos de esta etiqueta publicados en el catálogo de Decca y Deram como The Score, Attack, Majority, Shel Naylor, New Breed, Syn, Fire, Small Faces, Birds, Marc Bolan, Flies, Poets, Blue Stars (¡de Nueva Zelanda!), Timebox, Fairytale, Beatstalkers, etc... Con su correspondiente libreto interior lleno de detalles sobre todos los grupos y fotos à go-go.