Taylor, Hound Dog
Natural Boogie
CD (alligator)
The second album (1973) by this revolutionary and veteran blues guitarist whose vinyl output was just three singles issued during the 60's before the Alligator label put out his debut album in 1971. His technique was very rough and the sound was stripped down (two guitars plus drums). His style was inspired by Elmore James, and he was very influential on many younger guitarists.
El estupendo segundo LP (1973) de este revolucionario y veterano guitarrista de Blues, cuyo legado discográfico se reducía a tres singles publicados en los 60 antes de su debut en 1971 de la mano del sello Alligator. Su técnica era muy tosca y el sonido muy crudo (dos guitarras y batería). De estilo similar a Elmore James, influyó en muchos guitarristas posteriores.