Wipeout/The Surfaris Play
CD (beat goes on)
The first two albums in one CD by this successful Surf band, famous by their smash hit "Wipe Out". Both of them were issued on the Decca label in 1963. With more hits, besides the title track of their first album, such as "Jack The Ripper", "Torquay", "Green Onions", "Wild Weekend", Tequila", "Similau", "Surfing Drums", "Misirlou", "Surfaris Stomp", etc... Twenty four tracks.
Los dos primeros álbums en un CD de este exitoso grupo de Surf, famosos por su éxito "Wipe Out". Ambos fueron publicados en 1963 en el sello Decca. Con otros éxitos, además del que da título al primer disco, como "Jack The Ripper", "Torquay", "Green Onions", "Wild Weekend", "Tequila", "Similau", "Surfing Drums", "Misirlou", "Surfaris Stomp", etc... Venticuatro temas.