Ramone, Joey
Don't Worry About me
CD (sanctuary)
The album he was about to finish when he died in 2001. Besides the evident sentimental aura, the songs show the Joey side of the Ramones: melodic, simple and childlike humorous. Great songs, like the title track, "Like A Drug I Never Did Before", "Searching For Something", "Stop Thinking About Me", "I Got Knocked Down (But I'll Get Up"), "Maria Bartiromo" and the great covers of Louis Armstrong's "What A Wonderful World" and the Stooges' "1969". Recorded with Daniel Rey and Adny Shernoff and Frank Funaro of the Dictators.
El álbum que estaba a punto de terminar cuando murió en 2001. Canciones ejemplifican el lado "Joey" de los Ramones: melódico, simple y con un humor casi infantil. Estupendos temas como el que da título al disco, "Like A Drug I Never Did Before", "Searching For Something", "Stop Thinking About Me", "I Got Knocked Down (But I'll Get Up"), "Maria Bartiromo" y las estupendas versiones de Louis Armstrong "What A Wonderful World" y Stooges "1969". Grabado con la colaboración de Daniel Rey y Adny Shernoff y Frank Funaro de los Dictators.