Night Shadows, The Legendary
The Psychedelic Years 1967-1969
CD (hottrax)
Stuff from the late 60's by this truly great band from Atlanta, Georgia. A fitting companion to the LP released by Penniman. There are hardly any repeats in both discs. Songs about politics, drugs, troubled relationships, etc... Always with their ironic lyrics and their tough sound, evidently rooted in R&B. Includes demos, rarities and unreleased takes from their sought after album "The Square Root Of Two".
Material psicódelico de finales de los 60 de este excelente grupo de Atlanta, Georgia. Un CD ideal para complementar el LP publicado por Penniman. Temas sobre política, drogas, etc... Siempre con su toque irónico y su contundente sonido con evidentes raíces en el R&B. Incluye demos, rarezas y tomas inéditas de su cotizadísimo LP "The Square Root Of Two". Libreto con muchas fotos e información.