Omnibus - The 60's Singles A's And B's
CD (edsel)
Compilation of all their 60's singles. Unfortunately underrated due to their lack of impact in the USA, although they could compete with the likes of The Beatles, The Who or The Creation as composers. Their taste at the time of choosing versions was also impeccable. Their live show was very similar to the destructiveness of The Who. Including "Flowers In The Rain", "Night Of Fear", "Fire Brigade", etc... Twenty tracks, two of which are extras.
Recopilación -ya descatalogada- de todos sus singles de los 60. Considerados injustamente como de "segunda fila", por su poca repercusión en los USA, aunque podían competir en composiciones con grupos como Who, Beatles o Creation. Su gusto a la hora de elegir versiones era impecable, y su show en directo tenía mucho que ver con el espectáculo destructivo de los Who. Incluye "Flowers In The Rain", "Night Of Fear", "Fire Brigade", etc... Veinte temas, dos de ellos extras.