Mourning Reign
LP (beat rocket)
Well deserved but thirty years late LP from this great San Jose garage combo. Includes the very rare first single "Get Out Of My Life", their pressings for Golden State ("Satisfaction Guaranteed",etc) and two unreleased covers of the Who - "Run, Run, Run" - and Love - "Signed D.C."-. Guitarist Steve Canali relates the group history on the backcover.
El (merecido) LP, con treinta años de retraso, de este gran grupo de Garage de San Jose. Incluye su rarísimo primer single, con "Get Out Of My Life Woman", sus grabaciones para Golden State ("Satisfaction Guaranteed", etc) y dos versiones -inéditas- de Who ("Run, Run, Run") y Love ("Signed D.C."). En la contraportada, su guitarrista Steve Canali cuenta la historia del grupo.