Fine, Fine, Fine
CD (ace)
The backing vocalists for the Ike & Tina show were true stars in their own right. With the instrumental support of Ike's band, they recorded some of the most exciting female group Soul stuff made in the 60's. They were great both in ballads and fast paced tunes, as only well experienced performers can. Twenty four tracks (eight more than the vinyl version) with such hits as "Fine Fine Fine", "Camel Walk", "Peaches And Cream", "Blue On Blue", "Never More Will I Be Lonely For You", etc...
Las coristas de Ike y Tina eran verdaderas estrellas por derecho propio. Acompañadas por el grupo de Turner grabaron algunos de los mejores temas del Soul femenino de los 60. Eran tan buenas en las baladas como en las canciones "up-tempo"Veinticuatro temas (ocho más que en la versión en vinilo) con éxitos como "Fine Fine Fine", "Camel Walk", "Peaches And Cream", "Blue On Blue", "Never More Will I Be Lonely For You", etc...