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Don & Dewey - Jungle Hop

Don & Dewey

Jungle Hop

CD (specialty)

Precio habitual €16.00 Sold OutSold Out

Saying this duo is explosive is to say very little. Imagine two amphetamine-fuelled Little Richards banging the piano and the guitar and singing their guts out simultaneously. That's how they sounded in most of their stuff. Compilation with twenty five tracks, anearly all recorded in the late 50's. With "Jungle Hop", "A Little Love", "Hey Thelma", "Baby Gotta Party", "Farmer John", "Just A Little Lovin'", "Bim Bam", "Koko Joe", "Justine", "Big Boy Pete", etc... If you think you're missing the greatness of wild R&B and black Rock And Roll and don't know where to start, this is one of the best records to do so.

Calificar de explosivo a este dúo es quedarse corto. Imagina a dos Little Richards extravitaminados aporreando el piano y la guitarra y cantando al unísono a voz en grito. Pues así es como sonaban en la mayoría de sus canciones. Colección con veinticinco temas, casi todos grabados a finales de los 50. Con "Jungle Hop", "A Little Love", "Hey Thelma", "Baby Gotta Party", "Farmer John", "Just A Little Lovin'", "Bim Bam", "Koko Joe", "Justine", "Big Boy Pete", etc... Si te atrae el R&B salvaje y el Rock And Roll negro pero no sabes por dónde empezar, éste es uno de los mejores discos para hacerlo.