Don´t try to help me/I want you
7" (hyperloop)
The Dogs issued just one 45 on the Philadelphia-based Treasure label in 1967, and that's about all we know!! No photographs or confirmed band members have come to light. As you could probably guess, the original 45 is now VERY rare. and kind of expensive (about $3,500!!).
The Thorns, also from Philadelphia, entered Sound Plus Studios in 1966 to cut 'I Want You' and 'This Is The End,' with 5 acetates being produced, one for each band member. They eventually fell apart, but members Steve Sykes and David Ciccitelli hooked up with brothers Nick and Tony Jameson to form The Finestuff, who re-recorded 'I Want You' alongside Nick's 'Big Brother,' both of which were released on the Ra-Sel label in 1967. Offered here is an alternate version of that original Thorns recording, taken from the original master tape!
Comes with printed inner sleeve, 7" insert + bookmark and jukebox title strip. Limited to 500 copies.
Dos ultra-rarezas de garaje americano grabadas en 1967 por estas oscuras bandas de Philadelphia. Tremenda edición con portada, hoja interior y otros detallitos...Edición de 500 copias!