Various Artists 2LP (Ltd. Ed. of 500 / Green Vinyl)
2LP (concerto)
01. The Motions - Wasted Words
02. Golden Earrings - In My House
03. After Tea - We Will Be There... After Tea
04. Q65 - I Despise You
05. Rob Hoeke - When People Talk
06. Sandy Coast - Capital Punishment
07. The Shoes - No Money For Roses
08. Tee Set - Tea Is Famous (In The Whole Wide World)
09. Zen - Get Me Down
10. ZZ & De Maskers - Shake Hands
11. Armand - Zoek Je Zo Een Zelfde Verschijnsel Mens
12. Boudewijn de Groot - Ken Je Dat Land
13. Daddy's Act - Eight Days A Week
14. The Haigs - Never Die
15. HET - Kejje Nagaan
16. Hu & The Hilltops - Something You Got
17. The Hunters - Mr. Tambourine Man
18. The Outsiders - You Mistreat Me
19. Bintangs - You Can't Judge A Book By The Cover
20. Shocking Blue - Mighty Joe
21. Q65 - The Life I Live
22. The Whiskers - Morning Dew
23. Jay-Jays - Bald Headed Woman
24. The Motions - Everything's That Mine
25. Les Baroques - Working On A Tsjing Tsjang