What Is The Secret Of Your Success*
LP (mr. r b)
One of the best and most fun R´n´B groups ever to draw breath. They recorded dozens of Leiber/Stoller songs and were the people reponsible for turning them into authentic Rock'n'Roll anthems..."Poison Ivy", "Youngblood" or "Yakety Yak"..to mention a few . This great compilation includes flip sides for singles recorded during the period 57 to 64, with "My Baby Comes To Me", "Gee Golly", "Sorry But I´m Gonna Have To Pass", "Lady Like", "Ridin´ Hood", "Girls, Girls, Girls", "Teach me How to Shimmy", etc
Tremendo recopilatorio de una de la mejores bandas de R&B de todos los tiempos. Grabaron temas de Leiber/Stoller por docenas, y fueron responsables de convertirlos en auténticos himnos del Rock And Roll como "Poison Ivy", "Youngblood" o "Yakety Yak". Este recopilatorio incluye las caras B de los singles grabados entre el 57 y el, 64 y otras rarezas, material nunca incluido en los típicos recopilatorios disponibles del grupo. Con "My Baby Comes To Me", "Gee Golly", "Sorry But I´m Gonna Have To Pass", "Lady Like", "Ridin´ Hood", "Girls, Girls, Girls", "Teach Me How to Shimmy", etc.