Oldies But Goodies
LP (weird world)
A caroussel of evergreens, from Bill Haley and Sam Cooke to Elvis and the Drifters covered according to his particular ways. The good thing is that he can sing real good and the record is quite enjoyable, musicwise. We're not joking. Great instrumentation, Doo-Wop backing vocals, etc... With the usual kind of titles: "Suck Around The Clock", "Without Your Pussy I Can't Live", "Blue Balls", "My Dick First Got Hard", "Fuck In Her Behind", "10 Commandments Of Sex", "I Smell You", "Whole Lotta Fuckin' Goin' On", etc...
Un carrusel de éxitos de ayer, hoy y siempre, desde Bill Haley y Sam Cooke hasta Elvis y los Drifters versioneados a su particular manera. Lo bueno es que encima el tío canta bien y el disco se deja oir, bromas aparte. Con buena instrumentación y coros de Doo Wop. Los títulos en su línea: "Suck Around The Clock", "(Lucille) Without Your Pussy I Can't Live", "Blue Balls", "My Dick First Got Hard", "Fuck In Her Behind", "10 Commandments Of Sex", "I Smell You", "Whole Lotta Fuckin' Goin' On", etc...