Baltimore s Teen Beat A Go-Go
Various Artists
LP (get hip a.s.)
"16 of Baltimore's best R&B and R&R bands". Reissue of this ultra rare 1966 compilation, originally released in a limited run of five hundred copies only. The bands included here were the winners or sub-winners of several band contests held in order to select bands for this album. With 24 Karat Five, Night Walkers, Beggars, Fabulous Monarchs, Road Runners, Executioners, Vendors... Sixteen tracks housed in the original picture sleeve.
"16 of Baltimore's best R&B and R&R bands". Reedición de este rarísimo disco de 1966 del que sólo salieron quinientas copias en su momento. Los grupos que aparecen aquí fueron los ganadores o los segundos clasificados de varias competiciones de grupos organizadas expresamente para este álbum. Con 24 Karat Five, Night Walkers, Beggars, Fabulous Monarchs, Road Runners, Executioners, Vendors... Dieciséis temas en total, con la portada de la edición original.