Willis, Chuck
I Remember Chuck Willis / King Of The Stroll
CD (col.)
One of the two albums released during his life, "King Of The Stroll" (1958), and a compilation of his Okeh hits, "I Remember Chuck Willis" (1963), both originally issued on Atlantic. He had two different sides: powerful Blues shouter and elegant ballad singer. Here are some of his best songs, covered by hundreds of artists: "C. C. Rider", "What Am I Living For", "Hang Up My Rock And Roll Shoes", "It's Too Late", "Juanita", "Betty And Dupree", etc...Twenty five tracks.
Uno de los dos álbums publicados en vida, "King Of The Stroll" (1958) y una recopilación de sus éxitos en Okeh, "I Remember Chuck Willis" (1963), ambos publicados originalmente en el sello Atlantic. Este cantante tenía dos lados diferentes: crudo cantante de Blues y elegante baladista. Aquí están algunos de sus mejores temas, versioneados por cientos de artistas como "C. C. Rider", "What Am I Living For", "Hang Up My Rock And Roll Shoes", "It's Too Late", "Juanita", "Betty And Dupree", etc... Veinticinco temas.