Williams, Cootie
Things Ain't What They Used To Be*
LP (jukebox lil)
This trumpet player had worked with Duke Ellington in the 30's and was already recording under his own name by 1937. In 1942 he started his first Big Band, one of the first devoted to the Blues. This album compiles recordings made between 1944 and 1948, some of them cut at radio station studios to be broadcasted live. Fifteen tracks and the usual plethora of info on the back cover.
Este trompetista había trabajado con Duke Ellington en los años 30 y ya grababa con su nombre desde 1937. En 1942 formó su primera Big Band, que resultó ser una de las primeras dedicadas al Blues. En este disco se recogen grabaciones hechas entre 1944 y 1948, algunas de ellas en vivo para la radio. Quince temas y las habituales notas recopiladas en la contraportada con todo detalle.