DOWNBEAT - 25 Independent Singles From The Neatherlands
Various Artists
CD (nl)
More Dutch Beat from the 60's. These 25 tracks came out on singles that were issued by small independent labels. As good as any other better known bands, but a true collector's nightmare due to their extreme rarity. The best way to get these gems in one move. With 4PK, Fab, Want Group, Sparklings, Inn-Sect, Rolling Beats, Pee White & The Magic Strangers, Dat & Wat, etc... Comprehensive inner booklet with the story behind each of these records, pictures, etc...
Más Beat holandés de los 60. Estos 25 temas aparecieron en singles editados en pequeñas compañías independientes, tan buenos como los más conocidos de su momento, pero verdadera pesadilla de coleccionistas, dada su extrema rareza. El mejor modo de hacerse de golpe con joyas de 4PK, Fab, Want Group, Sparklings, Inn-Sect, Rolling Beats, Pee White & The Magic Strangers, Dat & Wat, etc... Completísimo libreto interior con la historia de cada uno de estos discos, fotos, etc...