Baker, Mickey
Rock With A Sock
CD (bear family)
28 tracks by this influential R&B guitarist taken from his releases for Savoy, Groove, Rainbow, MGM and Vik and released between 1952 and 1956. Unreleased stuff, 14 page booklet with bio, rare pics, etc, etc. Guitar mambo, Riverboat, Love Me Baby, Wheres My Money, Im Tired, I Wish I Knew, etc.
Veintiocho temas de este influyente guitarrista de R&B extraídos de sus grabaciones para los sellos Savoy, Groove, Rainbow, MGM y Vik, y publicados entre 1952 y 1956. Incluye material inédito, un montón de temas "cantados" y cinco canciones de Mickey & Sylvia nunca antes publicadas. Libreto de catorce páginas con fotos, discografía , etc. Con "Guitar mambo", "Riverboat", "Love Me Baby", "Where's My Money", "I'm Tired", "I Wish I Knew", "Guitarambo", etc.