Stooges, Iggy & The
Raw Power
CD (legacy)
The mixes made with Iggy Pop's supervision that take the place of the original David Bowie's mixes originally released in 1973. There was quite a fuss over the years about how good or bad was Bowie's work on this album and how it could have been if mixed by the band. Now the fans have the last word. Bowie's mixes don't seem to be that awful and Iggy's version isn't incredibly better, either. But the fact is that this album has a lot of true classics that naturally were instrumental in the birth of Punk some years later: "Search And Destroy", "Gimme Danger", "Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell", "Penetration", "Raw Power", "Shake Appeal"... Digipack edition with extensive notes and an interview to Iggy Pop.
Las re-mezclas realizadas con la supervisión de Iggy Pop que sustituyen en el mercado a las hechas por David Bowie en la edición original de 1973. Durante años hubo controversia sobre lo adecuado o no de las mezclas de Bowie y cómo debía sonar este disco. Ahora que se ha remezclado a gusto de Iggy, la palabra la tienen los aficionados. Ni la de Bowie era tan horrible ni la de Iggy es tan excelente. Eso sí, el disco está plagado de verdaderos clásicos que dieron origen al Punk unos años después: "Search And Destroy", "Gimme Danger", "Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell", "Penetration", "Raw Power", "Shake Appeal"... Edición en digipack con extensas notas y entrevista a Iggy Pop.