Mach 5 Overdrive
Quickee Mart
7" (penniman)
Out on Pennimann Records. Their second single-much hairier and wild than the 1st. Classic Punk rock´n´roll at the hands of ex members of The Hoods, Evil Eyes and Trebles. Not to be passed over if you're a Radio Birdman, Dead Boys, MC5, Misfits, Lazy Cowgirls, etc fan.
Últimas copias....Referencia nº 1 de Penniman Records. Su segundo single, mucho más salvaje que el primero. Punk Rock´n´Roll clásico con miembros de Hoods, Evil Eyes y Trebles. Imprescindible si eres fan de Radio Birdman, Dead Boys, MC5, Lazy Cowgirls, etc.