13th Floor Elevators
Psychedelic Sounds
LP (i.a.)
Reissue of their amazing 66 debut album, a classic of American Garage Punk. Includes "You´re Gonna Miss Me", "Thru The Rhythm", "Roller Coaster", "You Don´t Know Splash 1", "Kingdom Of Heaven" , "Reverberation", "Monkey Island", "Don´t Fall Down", "Tried To Hide" and "Fire Engine". Thick cardboard sleeve and heavy vinyl.
Reedición de su fantástico debut de 1966, un clásico de Garage Punk Americano... Incluye "You´re Gonna Miss Me", "Thru The Rhythm", "Roller Coaster", "You Don´t Know Splash 1", "Kingdom Of Heaven" , "Reverberation", "Monkey Island", "Don´t Fall Down", "Tried To Hide" , "Fire Engine". Vinilo de 220 gramos y portada de cartón gordo!